The Last Jedi Porg – A Smorgasbord of Creatures


Porg - Disney Star War Wars must have toy for Christmas 2017.

Few could have watched the Star Wars - The Last Jedi trailer with enthusiams with seeing our hero's and villans.   The twinge of sadness at seeing Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.

If you are someone over 44 and grew up watching Star Wars in the 80's and thinking we will never see prequels or sequels after The Return of the Jedi, these last few years must seem like heaven.  Star Wars films left right and centre, Disneys purchase meaning we see individual films such as the superb Rogue One and a Han Solo film in the pipeline.

With The Phantom Menace we were treated to Jar Jar Binks a character who had an irritating voice and was sort of like watching Pee Wee Herman.   The Force Awakens gave us BB8 who worked fantastically well as a character.  

Star Wars - The Last Jedi trailer gave us the view of a new creature - Porgs.  Perhaps just me being me, I'm seeing Porg equaling Pounds.  Where as BB8 was a character and as a toy / collectible it was both unique and more of a gizmo than a gimmick.  The Porg I seen in the trailer I just saw Disney trying to introduce a character that will sell to the kids.  I was thinking he(the Porg), aint exactly a Guardians of the Galaxy Rocket type character.  Personally I thought the Porg looked a mix of a Piranha crossed with a gerbil and chicken feet.  Perhaps cruel I know, but does this mean that in the following Star Wars film, we will be introduced to other creatures which seem to have cash making undertones.   

We also glimpsed a strange crystal type wolf dog, hopefully this will not be in any X Wings.

The Last Jedi comes to the UK on 15th December 2017.

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